Time To Move On


Moving on from a Relationship

It’s not always easy to know when it’s the right time to move on from a

relationship. You may be wondering if it’s time to leave or if your relationship

can be fixed?

Our subconscious mind is designed to keep us safe at all times, and this often

means keeping us in our comfort zone. Even if we are unhappy or unfulfilled,

this powerful part of our mind can have a ‘better the devil you know’ attitude.

Fear can overpower any potential benefits and prevent us from making a

change. In addition, we may hold certain beliefs that are holding us back. For

example, if you learned at a young age that you have to stick by your

commitments no matter what, or that you are not worthy of a healthy

relationship, this can have a huge influence on the way you behave and the

decisions you make.

There are a number of reasons for considering leaving a relationship including

lack of communication, lack of passion, not feeling valued, or not being treated

with respect to name a few. If you have decided that it’s time to move on, but

you don’t feel like you have the courage or the strength, you can download my

moving on from a relationship hypnosis session to help you.

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