Join me for my amazing new online course to change YOUR life!

Managing The Menopause Programme

The symptoms of the menopause are many and varied and differ from woman to woman. They can affect sleep, relationships

job performance, mental health and a long list of other life functions. This was Carol’s experience until she used the techniques

I share in my new course. Her symptoms diminished almost straight away and, for the last three months, have appeared only

occasionally and with minimal severity.

Step 1 – The Freedom Technique

The Freedom Technique is a unique therapy that combines powerful EMDR techniques with hypnosis, visualisation and NLP to

transform the symptoms of menopause. In many ways, the menopause is a traumatic experience for both

the mind and the body, and so this technique helps to de-sensitise and re-process that trauma.

Delivered via video link

Step 2 – EFT

EFT or ‘tapping’ is a powerful way to release physical, mental and emotional pain or discomfort. Menopause disrupts the body’s

energy system and tapping can restore that balance easily and naturally.

Delivered via video link

Step 3 - Hypnosis

This relaxing hypnosis session works on making changes at a deep, subconscious level. There is a powerful connection between

our body and mind and hypnosis helps to create balance and harmony between the two.

Delivered as an MP3 recording

Bonus – Swish Technique

This NLP technique uses guided visualisation to replace what you don’t want

with what you do want. It imprints your desired outcome of feeling happy and

healthy into the subconscious mind. Remember, what you can perceive, you

can achieve.

Delivered as an MP3 recording

This powerful programme is currently only £49 in total