The Swish Technique For Abundance


Swish is an NLP technique to change how we think, feel and act. It’s an effective and efficient submodality change. It’s a way of telling our brains “This not That” and replacing something we don’t want with something we do want.

This technique can help with attracting more abundance.

Limiting Beliefs about Abundance and Money

The world as we know it doesn’t actually exist; it’s just our own interpretation

of it, and we all look at the world through our own unique lens. This lens is

made up of all the experiences we’ve had throughout our lives. For example,

two people might be sitting on an aeroplane waiting to take off. One person is

happy and smiling, their past experiences making this an exciting time; the

other person is crying and hyperventilating because their past experience

makes this something to be afraid of. They are both in the same situation, but

they’re having completely different experiences. This is true of everything in

our lives as everything is coloured by our past experiences.

When we hold negative beliefs we’re always looking for evidence to support

them, and when we’re always looking for them, we always find them. So, if you

subconsciously believe that to have lots of money means you have to be

ruthless, then you’ll be scanning people and situations all the time to prove to

yourself that this is true, ignoring any evidence to the contrary. We need to

become aware of our negative thoughts so that we can work on eliminating


As well as holding these limiting beliefs about money, we can also experience

something known as secondary gain. This is when we feel that there are

certain benefits to remaining where we are. For example, we may be scared to

ask for a promotion because we don’t feel confident enough, but there are

also elements of secondary gain for staying in the role we’re in. Perhaps we are

able to collect the kids from school, or we have some great friends and

colleagues that we don’t want to lose. We need to be aware of these perceived

benefits so that we can work on addressing them.

If you would like to find out some of your beliefs about money, please

download my Identify Limiting Beliefs about Money printable.

If you would like to create more abundance, please download my Create more

Abundance hypnosis session, my Swish Technique visualisation session and my

Afformations for Abundance printable.

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Swish is an NLP technique to change how we think, feel and act. It’s an effective and efficient submodality change. It’s a way of telling our brains “This not That” and replacing something we don’t want with something we do want.

This technique can help with attracting more abundance.

Limiting Beliefs about Abundance and Money

The world as we know it doesn’t actually exist; it’s just our own interpretation

of it, and we all look at the world through our own unique lens. This lens is

made up of all the experiences we’ve had throughout our lives. For example,

two people might be sitting on an aeroplane waiting to take off. One person is

happy and smiling, their past experiences making this an exciting time; the

other person is crying and hyperventilating because their past experience

makes this something to be afraid of. They are both in the same situation, but

they’re having completely different experiences. This is true of everything in

our lives as everything is coloured by our past experiences.

When we hold negative beliefs we’re always looking for evidence to support

them, and when we’re always looking for them, we always find them. So, if you

subconsciously believe that to have lots of money means you have to be

ruthless, then you’ll be scanning people and situations all the time to prove to

yourself that this is true, ignoring any evidence to the contrary. We need to

become aware of our negative thoughts so that we can work on eliminating


As well as holding these limiting beliefs about money, we can also experience

something known as secondary gain. This is when we feel that there are

certain benefits to remaining where we are. For example, we may be scared to

ask for a promotion because we don’t feel confident enough, but there are

also elements of secondary gain for staying in the role we’re in. Perhaps we are

able to collect the kids from school, or we have some great friends and

colleagues that we don’t want to lose. We need to be aware of these perceived

benefits so that we can work on addressing them.

If you would like to find out some of your beliefs about money, please

download my Identify Limiting Beliefs about Money printable.

If you would like to create more abundance, please download my Create more

Abundance hypnosis session, my Swish Technique visualisation session and my

Afformations for Abundance printable.

Swish is an NLP technique to change how we think, feel and act. It’s an effective and efficient submodality change. It’s a way of telling our brains “This not That” and replacing something we don’t want with something we do want.

This technique can help with attracting more abundance.

Limiting Beliefs about Abundance and Money

The world as we know it doesn’t actually exist; it’s just our own interpretation

of it, and we all look at the world through our own unique lens. This lens is

made up of all the experiences we’ve had throughout our lives. For example,

two people might be sitting on an aeroplane waiting to take off. One person is

happy and smiling, their past experiences making this an exciting time; the

other person is crying and hyperventilating because their past experience

makes this something to be afraid of. They are both in the same situation, but

they’re having completely different experiences. This is true of everything in

our lives as everything is coloured by our past experiences.

When we hold negative beliefs we’re always looking for evidence to support

them, and when we’re always looking for them, we always find them. So, if you

subconsciously believe that to have lots of money means you have to be

ruthless, then you’ll be scanning people and situations all the time to prove to

yourself that this is true, ignoring any evidence to the contrary. We need to

become aware of our negative thoughts so that we can work on eliminating


As well as holding these limiting beliefs about money, we can also experience

something known as secondary gain. This is when we feel that there are

certain benefits to remaining where we are. For example, we may be scared to

ask for a promotion because we don’t feel confident enough, but there are

also elements of secondary gain for staying in the role we’re in. Perhaps we are

able to collect the kids from school, or we have some great friends and

colleagues that we don’t want to lose. We need to be aware of these perceived

benefits so that we can work on addressing them.

If you would like to find out some of your beliefs about money, please

download my Identify Limiting Beliefs about Money printable.

If you would like to create more abundance, please download my Create more

Abundance hypnosis session, my Swish Technique visualisation session and my

Afformations for Abundance printable.